“Mother's love is peace. It need not be acquired, it need not be deserved.” Erich Fromm
Deccan Drama in association with the residents of Aparna Cyber Commune, Nallagandla presents “Mother’s Day by JB Priestley”
JB Priestley was an English novelist, playwright, scriptwriter, social commentator, and broadcaster.
Mother’s Day is a comical satire. The story is simple yet it strongly condemns the position of women in society as well as at her very own place. Priestly humorously explores the story when the protagonist, in her forties stands up for her rights and how her family reacts to it.
The play will be performed by a group of individuals from different walks of life who have undergone 3 months long theatre sessions during weekends and have put their best foot forward to bring out the production. The play is directed by Rajnish Sharma, actor, director and a scriptwriter.
On a popular demand, we are bringing this play to Phoenix Arena on June 17th, 2017, Saturday at 7.00 pm. The entry is free. You all are cordially invited to our show. Please drop in to watch and encourage our group with your love and support. The place is kid friendly too. So, just drop in and enjoy your weekend with us.